Showing all 4 results
3M Micropore paper tape
Strong surgical tape for sticking the eye lashes, causes no irritation to the skin
Perfect Eyelash3M Transpore plastic tape
This ‘breathing’, porous tape is specially developed to prevent skin irritation and therefore exceptional suited for an eyelash treatment.
TapeLint free eye patch (5 pair)
Lint Free Eye Patch
Perfect for use when customers are not resistant to tape, for example allergy.
Amount: 5 pair
Perfect Eyelash3M Microfoam tape
Hypoallergenic micro foam tape. The perfect replacement if the customer does not like the ordinary tape or eyepads. This role is thicker / wider than the usual plastic or paper tape, you can easily cut it yourself so you can use two pieces of width.
Remains are super good, very good for the customer because it is easier to remove.
From one role gives you about 60 pair eye pads (depending on how wide you cut)
The tape is very flexible and pliable.